Management and Reporting Features
Whether you are creating your own fund or portfolios from scratch or adding existing performance and additional information to existing products we’ve got your back.
Portfolios Made Simple
Unlock the full potential of your investment strategies with our powerful portfolio tools.
Research Hub
Identify and compare performance of different funds and portfolios and run your own Models to assess performance prior to general release
Buyer Reporting
Simplified dashboard for reporting on investors and investments into your fund and the advisers and channels they bought through.
Document Creation
Detailed factsheet creation and distribution through our hotlink APIs at a fraction of your existing custodians costs.
Easy Access
Add Funds and Portfolios Anytime, Anywhere
No more being stuck to your desk to perform basic tasks. Fund Universe has been designed and built on the latest bootstrap HTML5 tech making it available on any device type.
Desktop, Mobile and Tablet ready
Unlimited administrator users
Centralised Management
No more excessive updates to individual Funds or Portfolios across different currencies or Platforms. Centralised fees and charges, availability, documentation and more, in one place
Easy Updates
Change pricing across a range of funds or portfolios in one place
2FA Security
Secure access logging device and location for each user.
Archive & Retrieve
Log and Archive changes to funds or Portfolios for full transparency
Test Models
Create, run and test Portfolios to see performance prior to release
Regulatory Support
Navigating European Investment Regulations
Understanding and adhering to European investment regulations is crucial in today’s complex financial landscape.
- MiFID: Designed to meet the strict reporting requirements outlined in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, ensuring transparency and accountability.
- PRIIPs: Comply with the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products regulation effortlessly, ensuring accurate and compliant reporting.
- FCA: In alignment with the Financial Conduct Authority’s guidelines, our platform empowers you to make informed decisions while meeting regulatory obligations.